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![Opening Shot](
It was created by the artist Pete Codling.
Filmed on location in St John’s Cathedral, Portsmouth, England.
![LBOG Front Jesus’ face is in the centre, and the doors open at the point of his mouth and lips so as he speaks, the doors open and vice versa. The doors close using nails reminiscent of his death. Jesus is not blue-eyed and western but dark, battered and bruised from the Passion and his skin reflects his true ethnicity from the Mediterranean. Jesus’ crown of thorns are made from the infinity symbol, for eternity. He is the eternal one with an eternal message, and this symbol also unites science and religion within God’s kingdom. Eternity is echoed too in the use of the gold Alpha and Omega symbols in the top left and right corners – the two Greek letters for the beginning and the end of the alphabet as God is the beginning and the end of all creation. The Holy Spirit appears in a number of forms in this artwork but here on the right within the Trinity first as glass and mirror, to help us understand how the Holy Spirit reflects God and Christ and we find ourselves in God by looking in the mirror of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is also conveyed here with open hands around the central Trinity but with the stigmata in them to represent the nails in Christ’s hands when crucified. God is depicted as 24 carat gold on the left side – with different types of gold to express his perfect totality as only the best will do for God.](
![open back – merge](
![Screenshot 2021-11-15 at 10.14.03](